Anti-vaccination activities in Polish society, parents' educational level and the implementation of vaccination in children
Szczepienia stanowi± w Polsce indywidualn± i masow± ochronê przed chorobami zaka¼nymi. Masowe szczepienia maj± utrzymywaæ wysoki poziom odporno¶ci ludno¶ci, a je¿eli to mo¿liwe, ca³kowicie wyeliminowaæ choroby w populacji. G³ównym celem pracy jest ocena, jaki wp³yw ma wykszta³cenie rodziców na wykonywanie szczepieñ ochronnych u dzieci. Dodatkowym celem jest ocena stanu wiedzy rodziców w zakresie szczepieñ ochronnych i metod uzyskiwania takich informacji, a tak¿e poznanie opinii rodziców na temat szczepieñ obowi±zkowych i zalecanych oraz ruchu antyszczepionkowego.
Vaccinations in Poland play the role of individual and mass protection against infectious diseases. Mass vaccinations are aimed at maintaining a high level of immunity of the population and, if possible, completely eliminate the disease in the population. The main aim of the study is to assess the impact of education level of parents on the implementation of immunization in children. Additional objectives of the study are the evaluation of the knowledge of parents about the mandatory and recommended vaccination, sources of information on vaccination, and anti-vaccination activities observed in Polish society.
S³owa kluczowe/Key words
szczepienia ➧ ruchy antyszczepionkowe
vaccination ➧ anti-vaccination activities in society